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doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 Can the use of postoperative CPAP in patients at high risk of OSA reduce desaturation episodes after surgery?: a controlled, randomized, clinical trial Gregorio Malagón, Sandra
out url icon Recercat Can the use of postoperative CPAP in patients at high risk of OSA reduce desaturation episodes after surgery?: a controlled, randomized, clinical trial Gregorio Malagón, Sandra
doc icon DUGiDocs 2017 Is continuous perineural stump infusion of bupivacaine effective on acute and chronic postoperative stump pain? Could it reduce phantom pain after major lower limb amputation? García Mullor, María del Mar
out url icon Recercat Is continuous perineural stump infusion of bupivacaine effective on acute and chronic postoperative stump pain? Could it reduce phantom pain after major lower limb amputation? García Mullor, María del Mar

